Day 4 - 1 Jul 2014 - 11:00-12:30
Distributional Effects of Changes to Energy and Climate Policies
Session Chair: Corbett Grainger, University of Wisconsin
Hallname: Room 6
Forest Transition
Session Chair: Philipe Delacote, INRA
Hallname: Room 3
Integrating Economics into Landscape-Scale Models of Coupled Natural and Human Systems
Session Chair: William Jaeger, Oregon State University
Hallname: Room 7
Quasi Experimental Approaches in Environmental Health
Session Chair: Hendrik Wolff, University of Washington
Hallname: Room 5
Strategies in Climate Negotiations: Theory and Experiments
Session Chair: Alessandro Tavoni, London School of Economics - The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment
Hallname: Room 1
The Environmental Risks of the Shale Gas Revolution: Experts vs. the Public
Session Chair: Alan Krupnick, Resources for the Future
Hallname: Room 4
Valuation Research on Ecosystem Services for Improved National Accounting
Session Chair: Paulo A.L.D. Nunes, WAVES, World Bank
Hallname: Room 2