Top scholars in our field will receive recognition during the WCERE Awards Ceremonies.
June 29th, 16.15-16.45
AERE Fellows 2013
The AERE Fellows awards recognize outstanding contributions to the advancement of the profession of environmental and resource economics. Candidates must be living at the time of nomination; membership in AERE is not required. The awards for AERE Fellows 2013 will be presented at the WCERE.
The Ralph C. d'Arge and Allen V. Kneese Award for Outstanding Publication in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM)
AERE instituted this award, the "AERE Award for Best JEEM Paper,” to recognize an outstanding research paper published in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management during the past calendar year. The award is given annually.
AERE Publication of Enduring Quality
The AERE Board of Directors will present the annual award (to co-authors if appropriate) for a publication of enduring quality that appeared at least five years prior to the year of the award. Nominated works are evaluated on their seminal nature and enduring value. Place and type of publication are unrestricted but posthumous awards will not be given.
June 30th, 11.00-11.15
EAERE Outstanding Achievement Awards Recognising Excellence
EAERE European Lifetime Achievement Award in Environmental Economics, recognising those who have devoted themselves productively and persistently to communicating and enriching our endowment of knowledge in environmental economics.
EAERE European Practitioner Achievement Award in Applying Environmental Economics, recognising Practitioners in the policy or business arena who have made signal contributions in the application of economic ideas.
These prizes are awarded biannually in even years only if one or more awardees deserving the prizes have been nominated. This year's Nominating Committee is composed by Anil Markandya (chair), Gerardus Klaassen, Karl-Goran Maler.
EAERE Award for Outstanding Publication in the Journal Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE)
This annual Award recognizes exemplary research published in ERE during the past year. Any article published in ERE during the preceding year is eligible for this award. There is no requirement that the author(s) be a member of EAERE. Thanks to the kind support of the Journal publisher, Springer, winner(s) will be awarded with Springer books vouchers to the value of EUR 550 and a cash amount of EUR 750. This year's Award Selection Committee is comprised of Ian Bateman (chair), Hassan Benchekroun and Christian A. Vossler.
July 2nd, 12.15-12.30
Best Poster Award at WCERE/2014
The Best Poster Award is jointly organized by EAERE and AERE and sponsored by Springer and the University of Chicago Press. The best posters presented at WCERE will be awarded as follows:
Second prize: US $250 in University of Chicago Press books sponsored by AERE and the University of Chicago Press.
In cases where the winning posters are the work of multiple authors, this prize will be equally divided among co-authors.
This year's Nominating Committee is comprised of Carmen Arguedas (chair), Selim Çağatay, Markku Ollikainen. The Committee will take two dimensions into account:
(1) Research substance: The originality and quality of the research idea will be judged as well as the methodology and execution of the research and the interpretation of the results.
(2) Presentation: The poster and the poster presenter will be assessed for their ability to convey the research and its results to the poster audience. The poster design should effectively exploit the potential of the poster medium. The presenter's quality of communication will also be an important consideration.
Both criteria will enter into the final decision with equal weight.