EAERE Grants at WCERE 2014
A total of 12 travel grants of the value of €1.500 each are made available for WCERE/2014 participants.
10 grants are offered by EAERE and 2 by Springer.
Grants are divided into two categories, grants description and eligibility criteria are specified below:
- 3 grants will be assigned to residents in low income, lower-middle-income and upper-middle income economies in accordance to the definition provided by the World Bank, that are also participants in the Beijer Institute's pre-conference event. Priority will be given to participants presenting a paper in the Congress.
Applications and grants assignment are handled by the pre-conference Course Secretariat. Further information available at http://www.wcere2014.org/en/Pre-Conference-Events.html - 9 grants will be assigned to paper presenters according to the following priority:
(1) PhD students or researchers who completed their PhD in the previous 2 years, who are residents in low income, lower-middle-income and upper-middle income economies in accordance to the definition provided by the World Bank http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-classifications/country-and-lending-groups;
(2) researchers resident in low income, lower-middle-income and upper-middle income economies in accordance to the definition provided by the World Bank http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-classifications/country-and-lending-groups, who have no other source of funding for the conference;
(3) PhD students or researchers resident in industrialized countries who completed their PhD in the previous 2 years and have no other source of funding for the conference.
Applications will be collected via paper submission webform
Grants will be handled by the EAERE secretariat, and include: registration to the Conference and accommodation costs (up to five nights). The residual will be remitted through bank transfer to the grantee after the end of the Conference.
Registrations and hotel reservations will be handled by the EAERE Secretariat directly.
Any other possible additional grant that EAERE may raise will be assigned according to the above-mentioned priority criteria.
No age restriction is imposed. Grant allocation is conditional on visa obtainment.