The job market is organised by EAERE , if you are interested in participating, please follow the instruction given below or directly at the EAERE website: www.eaere.org/job.html
You can also mark your papers as "job market paper" in the paper submission process. The list of "job market papers" will be included in the Conference programme book, giving more visibility to candidates. This will not affect the reviewing process or deadlines.
We wish you good luck!
Candidates are invited to submit the candidates' form. Candidates' profiles are posted in the EAERE website free of charge. Candidates have the option of expressing interest in a given job opening by contacting institutions directly. Candidates who are available for interviews at WCERE, should indicate it in the form.
Institutions with open positions are invited to submit the institution's form. Announcements are posted in the EAERE website free of charge for EAERE members. A fee of €100 for every posting is required for non-members. Institutions have the option of contacting candidates directly. Institutions interested in taking the unique opportunity of organising interviews at the WCERE should indicate it in the form.
Write us at jobmarket@eaere.org for any information but take into account that EAERE does not organise appointments between the two sides of the market. Those who are organising interviews at the WCERE must register in the Conference.
Information about the rooms and the schedule for the interview will be available at the EAERE stand at the Conference venue.